CUPROM: The outer signs made of the galvanized painted letters, with the neon tube shaped on the contour of the letters.

CUPROM: The outer signs made of the galvanized painted letters, with the neon tube shaped on the contour of the letters.

ELCOND: The letters made of pickled painted tin with the neon tube placed on the outline of the letters. The guidance of the light through slots was used at the symbol next to Multiple tubing thus obtaining the halo effect.

SILCOTUB: The 12 m tall giant obelisk made of the alluminum with the dimensional letters made of sheet, with the modeled neon tubes on the outline. The letters are arranged on both sides of the obelisk mounted on a pedestal made of the reinforced co

SILCOTUB: The 12 m tall giant obelisk made of the alluminum with the dimensional letters made of sheet, with the modeled neon tubes on the outline. The letters are arranged on both sides of the obelisk mounted on a pedestal made of the reinforced co

SILCOTUB: The 12 m tall giant obelisk made of the alluminum with the dimensional letters made of sheet, with the modeled neon tubes on the outline. The letters are arranged on both sides of the obelisk mounted on a pedestal made of the reinforced co